The Shed

Healdsburg, CA

During our recent trip to the wine country of northern California, we visited a new venue in Healdsburg, called The Shed.
First, we noticed the architecture - contemporary, open, clean lines, and plenty of natural light.

As we entered, the open floor plan allowed us to view the space in its entirety.
On further exploration, we discovered a café, coffee bar and fermentation bar. We explored the shop, displaying quality food and tools for the kitchen, the garden and the farm.

Upstairs, although closed during our visit, was The Grange - a reference to the early farming association - sponsoring events and social activities. Here, a meeting room for educational workshops focused on food and farming, primarily, but also a place "featuring noted thinkers, artists and authors." From The Shed website:
"We are a food community that sustains people, our environment, and our local economy. Our inspiration comes from the words of Wendell Berry. 'An agrarian mind begins with the love of the fields and ramifies in good farming, good cooking, and good eating.' Like the granges of years past, we bring people together to learn about growing, preparing and sharing food."
Since we enjoy food, gardening, cooking and an occasional glass of wine, we took great delight in our visit to The Shed. A feast for all the senses!
For more information:
The Shed website and Facebook 


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