Jonathan Winters

Jonathan Winters, 1925 - 2013
Jonathan Winters left us with a heart-felt memory.
Many years ago, as we walked into a local furniture shop, we spotted Mr. Winters, seated in an arm chair near the window. Knowing we saw him, he smiled and nodded. We smiled in return.
We went about our business carried away with the excitement of being in the same shop with the famous, renowned comedian.
Finishing our task, we started walking out the door, noticing that Mr. Winters was standing at the window. We made a sharp right and as we headed for our car, there he was - in the window - as if on a stage - smiling, making those little faces and waving one of his funny little waves - all meant just for us.
Not only did he greet us as we walked in - he also entertained us as we walked away. We smiled, then laughed and returned his waves. 
Looking back, I realize that we were invited to a private stand-up routine by one of the world's funniest men. Such an honor - and treat. Thanks for the laughs!
Jonathan Winters website
For a few wonderful videos, NY Times


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