Artist, Tony Orrico

Artist, Tony Orrico
unison symmetry standing, Ed. of 8, 40x26", photo: Michael Hart
Referred to as a "human spyrograph", Tony Orrico makes drawings - issued directly from a whole-body experience - and literally "dances" the work into being. Each mark, each movement is carefully choreographed as his performance discharges the artwork. Paper or wall become the performance space and his body - drawing implements in each hand - moves with concentrated tension as the work materializes and dancer and artist unify in a concerted effort to create.
As a professional dancer, Mr. Orrico performed with various companies, including Trisha Brown Dance Company and Shen Wei Dance Arts. Artist, Marina Abramovic selected him to re-perform one of her works, recently, at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. He is creating the visual design, along with John Jasperse, for a work entitled, Canyon, to be performed November, 2011, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.
Currently, his work is exhibited at Shoshana Wayne Gallery in Santa Monica, CA, May 28 - July 9, 2011.


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