Alyssa Remington, Photographer

Alyssa Remington, Photographer
(Please Note: All images shown here are protected under strict copyright laws and are under the auspices of Alyssa Remington. They may not, under any circumstances, be reproduced, downloaded, or manipulated without Ms. Remington's express written permission. Commercial or private use without Ms. Remington's explicit written consent is prohibited by law and is punishable through US and Worldwide copyright laws.)
Years ago, Viet Nam was a place of fear for America. American soldiers took great care not to trust any Viet Namese citizen, including women and children, out of fear their lives may have been in danger.
Although there are brave soldiers who fought and still carry wounds from the past, we know that time has healed the national heart of both Viet Nam and the United States.
It is a country of lush, exotic beauty and we have come to know its people as gentle, kind and peaceful. We no longer see Viet Nam as enemy. Many Americans, in the years since the war, have traveled here - including photographer, Alyssa Remington.

As an inspiration for her work, Ms. Remington lists her son as primary. She states, "I derive my greatest fascination and joy in faces, particularly of children. It warms my heart to see these young souls, so vibrant, present and happy in their lives; lives uncluttered by the objects of contemporary culture." 
In this case, the subjects of Ms. Remington's photographs are the hill-country people of Sapa, in northern Viet Nam. Fortunate to have been there during the celebration of the New Year, the photographer was able to capture the inhabitants while dressed in their traditional costumes. Those depicted in the more somber, black and navy colors, are from the Black H'mong area. While those dressed in very colorful outfits are of the Flower H'mong hill people.
Markets also play a prominent role in Ms. Remington's work. She was particularly fascinated with the variety of flowers, fruits and vegetables presented by vendors, as well as the variety of fish, fowl and other animals - all parts used, none discarded; all prominently displayed  in plain view - none wrapped into neatly stacked, tidy packages, as in our American grocery stores.
I don't know about you, but, I feel something when I view these photographs. There is an atmosphere of place, the sound of children playing, laughter or water rushing through a young woman's hair as it rinses out soap-suds. Although, one might refer to these as the work of an excellent photojournalist, I prefer the word, artist.
Ms. Reminington did not use a digital camera here. Instead, she uses film. Her only formal photography education, in a statement from her, was a class taken in her junior year of high school. I suppose when one is passionate about her work, creativity flourishes. Take a closer look at each photograph. Spend time and view each with a detailed eye. You will know that these images are special.
Allysa Remington's dream is to travel third world countries, assisting in births (she is a Doula), and photographing "happy, laughing (and sometimes somber) children; children who live their lives with dignity."

Unfortunately, the website for Alyssa Remington's photography no longer exists.


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